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Color: Goldenrod


Ready to Serve You

Yeego Connect has a coveted reputation in communications, public relations, and a suite of management services for tribal nations and nonprofit organizations. We continue to market our expanded offerings and expect the travel, meetings, and events portion of our company to recommence after the pandemic.

Redesign & Rebrand

As one of 140,000 independent professional travel agencies in the United States, we needed to rethink our business model, brand, and offerings to survive as a small business during the COVID-19 global pandemic. We found the energy to push forward and offer our other valuable in-house services to our clients struggling to maintain their vision and mission. We all came out stronger and wiser. 

Photo of woman with hand raised

Let us help you connect.

Little things connect to bigger things. In life and business, it's the cumulative short steps that bring us together and enrich us. You're successful when you nurture your vision, mission, and values step by step. We amplify your vision and help you reach successful connections.

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